We’re in the business of knowledge, and our motto is education/empowerment/fun. If it doesn’t contain 2/3 of those things, it’s not worth doing.
To that end, we’ve done some rearranging of our classroom to squeeze in 1 more student. This means we now cap our classes at 3 students + 3 bikes max, still a great ratio for a great learning experience. This does lengthen the time of the class though, so they are now 3 hours long instead of 2. But on the plus side our classes are on sale for the month of June! (Note that May classes are still 2 students max and are thusly £95 ea).
Grab your £75 June class:
Introduction to Maintenance: Don’t know where to start? Start here. You will overcome the first hurdle cyclists encounter: the puncture. We will teach you all our tricks up our wizards’ sleeves to make them as painless as possible. We’ll also cover the M-check, the Mother of all bike checks to help you keep tabs on your bike and prevent problems before they become PR0B£€M$.
Disc Brake Home Maintenance: Everything but the fluid. We’ll teach you every single thing you can do to make and keep your disc brakes happy, all able to be done in the comfort of your own home. How to check and change your pads and rotors, and how to get rid of that infernal honking! Cable and hydraulic disc systems both welcome.
Emergency Roadside Repairs: INTERMEDIATE LEVEL CLASS. Prerequisite: Intro to Maintenance or already knowing how to fix a puncture. Got the fear in ya? Well the antidote to fear is knowledge, and we’re here to show you how to get yourself out of pickles like: slashed tyres, broken spokes, bent mechs, and broken chains.
On Covid Protocols & Being an Entrepreneur
As a workshop we have been more careful than most. I know people that have had covid in the last few weeks, and I know people who are immunocompromised, and are still not able to lead a life resembling anything pre-covid. If you read Janet Gunter’s Covidversary post (she co-founded the Restart Project, who we are friends with and fans of) I am reminded of how much of an ablist environment (verging on eugenics) the denial of covid facilitates. This government has been all too happy to find another excuse to dump disabled people by the wayside; it suits their social darwinism mythology.
Because the weather is getting warmer (thank GOODNESS) we are now able to leave the windows and doors open. And as covid is airborne, this helps reduce transmission. So we have decided as a team, that we will be leaving the doors and windows open when we teach (please dress accordingly), and also have a fan going to keep air circulating. If you want to wear a mask, absolutely wear one. I know I will be wearing one when I teach, as will Hayley.
As a small business that gets 100% of our money from you, dear customer, we can’t afford to get sick. We don’t have sick pay available (yet), and each of us is a lynchpin. The last time 2 mechanics got covid, we had to shut down for 2 weeks, and refund all our students. I’m not going to calculate how much money we lost.
If we had a government that actually cared about small businesses (and humans in general), we would have better support systems, like rent controls, and Universal Basic Income alongside Universal Basic Services.
Instead we have a private landlord evicting us (the new date is August 2023, but they are pushing it back - AGAIN), we applied for a shopfront with our local council but were denied, we have been thrown into a confusing VAT situation thanks to a bookkeeper that didn’t do what they said they did, and all of it feels like we are left to our own devices and judgements to navigate waters made for fintech bros, venture capitalists, and old white money. (Anyone here got VAT experience / advice?)
That said, we’ve been around for 11 years now. This isn’t our first rodeo, and it’s not like we’re doing something wrong. But feral capitalism is an inhospitable environment to sole traders and small biz. I’m thankful for my brain and for bringing together a team of amazing mechanics who are creative, flexible, and kind. When the alternatives in this industry are either selling your soul to a corporation for safety and stability, or becoming a cog in the machine, those of us on the fringes have learned to ride the roller coaster. It would be nice to be able to get off sometimes 😂 But I suppose that is the price of admission.
Workshop update
New prices for Small, Medium & Large Services
Small = £45
Medium = £85
Large = £165
Medium & Large services now include new cables
We were losing a lot of time trying to prolong the life of older cables, when often they were the culprit causing poor braking and shifting. To that end, all Medium and Large services include all new galvanised cables, with stainless steel cables available for £4 each.
Galvanised vs Stainless Steel
What’s the difference, and why would I choose one over the other?
Stainless steel is an alloy made with chromium, so it is stronger and less likely to rust. It is generally a better alternative for people who live in moist salty climates, such as ours here in the UK. However, if you're on a budget galvanised steel is a good alternative, and we are now including it in all of our medium and large services.
This is a good explainer if you want to geek out.
I had a nice response to my first Substack post, so I’m sticking with it. Some of you are even avid Substack users, what a delightful surprise! If you have any tips or ideas, I am all ears. I love bright new shiny things.
I leave you with a FASCINATING video about a new metal that is genuinely a game changer and I want these tyres for myself. Tagged on Frankie Boyle’s latest as well.
Down with the monarchy and cars - up with people and bikes!
Now go pump up your tyres 💪
-Jenni x
Thanks, I’m curious if people like a recording of the newsletter. Just playin’ around with the shiny new tech!
You can watch the below on Channel 4, but I can’t post it here, hence the poorer quality youtube recording.