The London Bike Kitchen was a women-led bike workshop, specialising in bike maintenance education. From 2012 - 2025 we built up the skills of beginners with our workshops, and our newsletter is an extension of that.

Who’s writing this newsletter?

Hi, I’m Jenni Gwiazdowski.

I’m a mechanic, published author, serial entrepreneur (hi ADHD), and cat herder (that’s Tuesday, above).

In my 20’s I used to be a teacher, and rediscovered cycling while I lived in Japan from 2003-2006. But it wasn’t till I moved to London in 2008 that I became obsessed with bikes and wanted to learn more. I got my City & Guilds Level 2 bike mechanic certification in 2011 and set up the London Bike Kitchen in 2012 with the express purpose of teaching everyday cyclists everyday bike maintenance.

I’m here to share how-tos and hot takes alongside tips and tricks.

My goal is to lift up the curtain on the bike industry and enlighten our readers.

📚Knowledge = Power⚡

Why subscribe?

If you find yourself muttering things like ‘learn something new every day
’ or if you just like a good story with matching .gifs, then you’ll probably like our newsletter.

A brilliant newsletter. Read every word (how many newsletters can claim that?). 

Thank you for writing it,


Because I want bike education and knowledge to spread as widely as possible, this newsletter will always be free.

  • The newsletter will come out twice a month, with some bonus newsletters sprinkled in between.

  • Now that I’m working part time at Herne Hill Velodrome, it will most likely come out on a Monday or Friday.

Why become a paying subscriber?

Whoever controls the purse, controls the message. I take no money from grants or sponsors. This means that what you’re reading is untainted by capitalism, a genuine take, and very human.

It means that I’m gonna be honest with you because I want to build a relationship built on trust and honesty.

If you sign up to be a paying subscriber, you’ll help keep this message going, AND you’ll also get:

  • Access to the private Discord server:

    • Bike mechanic advice on tap

    • Meet like-minded folks

    • Get a preview on what’s coming up

Vote with your wallet, vote to keep LBK alive and independent!

Stay in the know with other like minded folks. If you’re curious about knowledge, empowerment, cycling, pushing boundaries, progressive politics, and what it’s like to be a woman in the bike industry, join me for the ride.

“I don't usually read newsletters and having been a bit of a fanatic commuter and long distance cyclist, I haven't touched my bike for going on for a year now thanks to a long term health condition. So all that to say, you'd think it would be very unlikely that I'd open your newsletters. However, I read them regularly with great interest. Your humour, your quirky writing style, your ethics and the new things I learn each time, I love it all. And after today's email left me with tears streaming down my cheeks, I knew I had to write in to tell you. Please keep doing what you're doing - it's so important. And I'm sure many others really appreciate it.”

~ anonymous

Subscribe to London Bike Kitchen Newsletter

Everyday bike maintenance for everyday people, brought to you by an all women & non-binary folx workshop.


Bike mechanic, cat herder, entrepreneur, author, immigrant, perimenopauser, trying to connect the dots between the personal and the political.